Soaking, dripping, injecting, painting and gassing were among the techniques used to apply insecticide to the wood.
Apply the hot solution to the wood with a clean sponge or paintbrush (again, wear rubber gloves).
You can also protect it by applying a coat of clear finish to the wood.
The ten-year-old Caroline had helped him make it, applying lacquer to the wood.
Also, applying a water-repellent sealer to the wood will help it shed water and not stay wet as long.
Kenneth applied the sharp blade to the wood.
If the damage is not severe, apply preservative to the affected wood with a brush until no more soaks in.
Dip the cloth or sponge frequently in the solution, but squeeze it nearly dry before applying it to the wood.
Can a chemical paint remover be safely used, and what should we apply to the wood after it is stripped?
However, this only holds true if the latex paint is applied directly to the wood.