Double-tension is a method of applying tension to drum heads.
Four to five people would stretch the wet skin over the drum to apply tension while the pegs were driven into the bowl.
With your left hand, apply very light tension on your chin so that your head turns slightly more.
"Until now," he added, "no one had been able to lick the fundamental problem - how to apply tension to the film, in a realistic way."
These stand-offs apply tension, so they have to be strong.
With the lines stretched out, have a friend apply tension on the ends to be prepared and scissor them to equal length.
The "dual-level retractor system" uses two springs to apply tension to the belt.
Tightening core muscles and applying dynamic tension allows a person to change the tempo of his or her movement.
Rope-tension is the oldest system for applying tension to drum heads and was common until the late 19th Century.
Then, begin blow drying the root area, applying tension with a brush to build volume.