"It becomes easier to decide how you will move forward, set priorities, apply resources, if you are in similar businesses," he said.
We must apply resources to all family-building issues, with the goal of widening everyone's available options.
With a few notable exceptions, the field offices did not apply significant resources to terrorism and often reprogrammed funds for other priorities.
You can apply that to philanthropy: where can we apply resources, and what are the conditions for success?
Our Government should get serious about applying resources to develop the technology required to bring fresh water to all who need it.
"We apply resources based on what will give us the best return on investment," Mr. Schmid said.
This systematic approach allows flexibility for the company through good business planning to strategically apply resources according to risk priorities.
For a start, it has to be a case of applying resources to resettling refugees.
The last time around, "we didn't apply enough resources to develop the next generation," Mr. Croce said.
"Rather," he said in a conference call with reporters, "it is an attempt to apply meaningful Federal resources to longstanding problems in the community."