"But we identify some areas where they are not applying their procedures and practices across all audits."
Yoo concluded that federal laws prohibiting the use of torture for prisoners and suspects did not apply American practices overseas.
He also applies Native American spiritual practices as documented in his book Sacred Hoops.
Infonomics principles suggest that organizations should apply their own expertise, policies and practices in asset management toward the management of information assets.
Many contemporary photographers are revisiting alternative processes and applying new technologies (the digital negative) and practices to these techniques.
Hoffman radios and televisions were well built, using proven engineering practices and sometimes applying practices used in military electronics.
Interpret laws, regulations and policies and apply innovative technical principles, practices and theories.
In 2004, she was a finalist for a National Magazine Award for an essay about applying traditional religious practices to the chaos of modern life.
Finally, consider going beyond being energy efficient, and apply environmentally friendly and sustainable practices to your production process and finished goods.
It is therefore necessary to aim to increase the minimum level of current harmonisation by applying available best practices.