The NVZ rules control at what time of year farmers may apply nitrogen or manure to the land and oblige them to keep strict records of nitrogen-containing substances used.
Plants tend to absorb potash during early stages of growth, and potash tends to reduce the problems caused by applying nitrogen.
Ideally, a manager should attempt to apply nitrogen immediately before a moderate rain event (0.1 inch), allowing urea to dissolve and move into the soil.
A doctor applies liquid nitrogen to and around the warts.
If this is a major part of the problem, then some method is needed to apply nitrogen, phosphates and perhaps potassium to the most recently cleared forest.
Your doctor may pare the skin over a wart before applying liquid nitrogen.
Be sure that you are not applying excess nitrogen to your soil.
Cryosurgery is accomplished by applying liquid nitrogen in an open spraying technique.
Another farmer Ronald Miller discovered a Spitfire submachine gun in his corn field when a blade hit it while applying liquid nitrogen.
The easiest way to apply nitrogen with certainty is to use a general compound fertiliser such as Growmore or Vitax Q4.