I found it necessary now to apply my full attention and intelligence to master the increasingly subtle and intricate skills of a female slave.
It played a leading role in applying collective intelligence and prediction markets to business forecasting, innovation and decision making.
They can apply human intelligence, but with the persistence and patience of a machine.
They need to convene, inventory their resources and apply intelligence to their efforts in order to produce more food.
The model consists in applying artificial intelligence on social relationships' data to map market activities and predict business events.
Would that men would apply similar intelligence and inventiveness to all things they make.
Applying intelligence to security operations is a simple matter.
When he began work on the program in 1970, Dr. Myers sought help from computer experts with experience in applying artificial intelligence to medicine.
You must be economically self-supporting by now," continued Richard, "what with the research and invention you've been applying intelligence to.
Smarter people recognise that Twitter is one stage on from Google - applying human intelligence and recommendation to the ordering of information.