During his term, he applied innovation in public services in order to improve the city deficient services (waste collection, water supply, municipal taxes registration system, street cleaning, street pavement).
It is only by these means that we can apply technical innovation and effective management to the modification of our processes and procedures, in order to meet our objectives.
The mainstream browser vendors have been slow to address this issue and haven't applied much innovation to the problem over the past few years.
Coursework places special emphasis on the skills needed for future success such as information and media literacy, multi-faceted communications, collaborative problem solving, technology integration, and the ability to apply creativity, innovation, and higher-level thinking across multiple disciplines.
Yet, when it comes to more mainstream, applied industrial development and innovation, the separation among Chinese, American and other multinational firms is beginning to narrow.
Today you renew your mission of applying your learning, discoveries and innovation to meet the changing needs of society, industry and healthcare.
The metallurgical industry had applied more internal technological innovation than the electronics industry because the technologies in the former were more developed than in the latter.
Be Customer Centric - While applying innovation to your business, it's easy to see the advantages from your perspective while missing the customers' view.
Make it a daily practice to apply innovation to your small business and implement your best ideas.
The purpose of the Creative Expression activity area is to encourage youth to creatively explore and express themselves through activities applying imagination and innovation.