The Android userspace stack is somewhat insular and not particularly conducive to application portability.
As for application portability between the CMOS and RISC versions, he points to the Integrated Language Environment, ILE, that was released as part of OS/400 version 2 release 3.
The Open Software Foundation will be using the Ingres database to demonstrate application portability and interoperability on OSF technologies at its Challenge '93 exhibition in Boston, in May.
SA Forum supports a COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) business model for uninterrupted service availability, application portability and seamless integration.
Most of the Oracle Public Cloud's components are still unreleased, but Ars spoke with Product Marketing Vice President Robert Shimp to address questions about application portability across clouds, why Oracle chose a multi-instance architecture instead of a multitenant one, and pricing.
Nokia intended to put Qt the center of its mobile platform strategy, with the aim of using the toolkit's inherent conduciveness to application portability as means of unifying application development between its legacy Symbian operating system and the nascent Linux-based MeeGo project.
You know, this notion of application portability, installing normal hard disk-targeted apps in a portable device, this is a cool thing.
T-Monitor lessens hardware-dependency of T-Kernel, and improves the application portability.
As well as introducing new high-end AS/400 models, IBM last week also reiterated its plan to enhance the application portability and interoperability of the AS/400 with Posix and OSF's Distributed Computing Environment.
Both of them are actually partial solutions to the twin portability problems of: application portability; and source code portability.