While they attracted some scorn for the pretentiousness, others praised the innovation and the application of a more scientific approach to the training methods practised in Portugal.
Yet, such an aesthetic outcome suggests the application of a more complex surgical approach, which requires that the surgeon balance the patient's required rhinoplasty, with the patient's aesthetic ideal (body image).
He has been at the forefront of application of a new cutting-edge approach to flow control.
If prevention does not work and constipation is a problem, the application of a three-pronged approach for treatment is suggested: diet (fiber and fluids), physical activity, and over-the-counter or prescription medication.
The season's most significant new element may be the application of a fresh approach to restless young minds.
It's obviously impossible to tell, to go back and determine whether a particular application of a different approach would have had the same results or different results.
Data format management (DFM) is the application of a systematic approach to the selection and use of the data formats used to encode information for storage on a computer.
"the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software".
The center staff pursues this through the application of expertise, research, education and a collaborative approach to the dissemination of best practices.
The garlic, wooden stake and silver bullet (to continue this fantastic metaphor) are provided by the application of a more modern approach to science than that offered by eighteenth- and nineteenth-century paradigms.