Funding Opportunities at OJP provides links to application kits, current funding opportunities listed by source, and the Grants Management System (GMS).
An application kit should be sent three or four months after the month of the examination/treatment.
Although application kits were not ready until just a few weeks ago, the school has already received applications from nearly 500 prospective students from 25 states and six foreign countries, Dr. Mandell said.
I would suggest getting the application kit the first time you try using the DS1620 because the documentation is very useful.
The number to call for application kits is 251-7922.
Application Kits are more application specific kits e.g. for motor control designs.
You can get a DS1620 either from Jameco (part number 146456) or Parallax (part number 27917) in an "application kit" that includes the chip, the capacitor, some good documentation and sample code.
The company also offers boards, enclosures and various ready to use "application kits", including configurations with Wireless LAN capabilities.
An aerial application kit to allow crop spraying was available as an option.
An application "kit" for the permesso di soggiorno can be requested from one of 14,000 national post offices (Poste Italiane).