Many other real-life applications that can be formulated as DGPs arise in biology and chemistry.
A common application of the inverse Mills ratio (sometimes also called 'selection hazard') arises in regression analysis to take account of a possible selection bias.
That then is the context in which this application arises.
These applications arise in the fields of surgery, skylight design, children's toys and micro-structure design (such as bus shelters).
Notable applications for this technology arise when conventional optics is not suitable for the task at hand.
One common application of weighted sums arises in numerical integration.
Sometimes a new and popular application arises which only runs on one platform, increasing the desirability of that platform.
Another application of widest paths arises in the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for the maximum flow problem.
Meanwhile, returning to the European Union's fundamental principle - solidarity - and its application in the field of energy, many doubts arise as to the future of this principle.
But Mr. Yeomans said the technology was advancing so quickly that new applications, possibly ones not yet imagined, would inevitably arise.