However, applicants in either of these situations can use an abbreviated process and the five year waiting period generally does not apply.
But those applicants are increasingly using the colleges' median scores to evaluate the schools.
About half the applicants, 17,651, used the Internet to file for next month's exam.
We ask applicants to use it because-well, our recruiting station here is illegal.
Prospective applicants may choose any centre and use the result to apply to whichever school they wish.
She also suggested that applicants use an internet tool to help calculate the value of their home contents.
A significant departure from current law is a requirement that applicants for licenses pass a gun safety and use course.
The applicant must use firearms owned by the club or borrowed at the range for this period.
An applicant who does not qualify under one of these headings cannot use the Hague system.
We ask that all applicants use our quick online form.