It also recommended that potential employers should be allowed to request a foreign background check if the applicant agreed.
While other applicants also agreed that they were concerned with Princeton's actions, they said the circumstances seemed to indicate that the intentions were innocent.
Prior to receiving grant funding, successful applicants must agree to comply with some additional requirements.
Under the new program, applicants would agree to forgo tax credits down the line in favor of an immediate payment.
The applicants also agreed to close a bar at 10.30pm, Sunday to Friday, and to close the complex at 7pm on Saturday.
The applicants lodge and appeal with the Court of Session, agreeing that no redetermination of the 1991 application should take place until this appeal is decided.
The applicant agreed, eagerly enough.
To be considered, applicants agreed to accept continuous on-screen advertising.
In addition to passing a criminal background check, applicants must provide an affidavit of mental health, and agree to release their medical records.
For owner-occupied housing, applicants for two-year grants must agree to remain in their homes for at least two years that began on July 1, 2002.