The jurisprudence of the applicable jurisdiction usually defines the precise meaning of words such as "reasonable" and "doubt" for such purposes.
In the case of disputed custody, lawyers advise disputants remain in the jurisdiction applicable to the dispute, i.e. the country or state of residence for one of the parties.
In the case of disputed custody, almost all lawyers would strongly advise following the jurisdiction applicable to the dispute, i.e. the country or state of the spouse's residence.
A lease is a legal contract, and thus enforceable by all parties under the contract law of the applicable jurisdiction.
The cost savings which usually result from using the Madrid system may be negated by the requirement to use local agents in the applicable jurisdiction if any problems arise.
Persons who are not nationals of the State in which they are domiciled shall be governed by the rules of jurisdiction applicable to nationals of that State.
Despite the ruling in Kastigar, the type of immunity required to compel testimony depends on the law of the applicable jurisdiction.
At the state level, the extent of the privilege varies depending on the law of the applicable jurisdiction.
Grand theft occurs when an action that occurred meets the criteria for the applicable jurisdiction.
Compliance with all applicable legal jurisdictions.