I know this from watching her draw blood from appliance salesmen over expensive gadgetry.
When he was 23, he joined Sears as an appliance salesman.
However he has to deal with his frustration with his low paying job as appliance salesman in a store.
So too was the settling-in process, which included a labyrinthine circuit of appliance salesmen and customs officials.
Her father relocated the family to Bismarck, where he found work as an appliance salesman.
His father was an appliance salesman and his mother a bank teller.
In a rundown tenement near the airport, a 27-year-old appliance salesman recalled April 11.
His father, Alvaro, an appliance salesman, wanted his three children to become doctors or lawyers, and was not pleased.
Prior to his musical career Holyfield was a wholesale appliance salesman and advertising account manager.
There he became a door-to-door appliance salesman and for a while enrolled in a course in radio announcing.