Distinctive features of a hoeker are the "apple cheeks" of the bow.
Cute, yes, with apple cheeks and glossy brown hair, but he seemed to smirk at me.
To his left was a big Scandinavian with a broad face, apple cheeks, and spiky blond hair.
Jonathan, all big brown eyes and apple cheeks, tears himself away for half a minute to greet a guest.
Olivia was equally Heartland, apple cheeks and unnervingly white teeth.
You had to look closely to see the fine wrinkles on the apple cheeks.
Her apple cheeks turned a rosier shade of pink.
Twinkly blue eyes, apple cheeks, a snow-white cloud of hair - forget it.
His face was round, with apple cheeks, and was usually adorned with a smile.
She was short and round, with apple cheeks and an apple shape.