That appetite may lead to an impressive debut today, but it is unclear what investors can expect longer term.
"I can go only where my musical appetites lead me," he said.
His insatiable appetite for celebrities and pop culture led him to launch the flagship site as a hobby.
Its clientele's voracious appetite for information leads to a punishing work schedule, even given the company's high pay scale.
Young children's appetite for stories can lead to the introduction of some stories of a historical nature into the curriculum.
But his rapacious sexual appetite led him to other, less stable and sometimes downright dangerous liaisons.
Crosby's appetite for drugs led to numerous arrests and jail time.
All animals lived harmoniously, but the rabbits eventually multiplied, and their appetite led to a food shortage.
Casady's appetite for playing led him to do extensive moonlighting during his Airplane tenure.
The killer whale's voracious appetite leads it to consume up to 500 lb.