If you take your beliefs from books written more than a thousand years ago, and you believe in these texts literally, then the appearance of the modern world must truly terrify.
They are here to give the power of healing to humanity, but are unable to reveal themselves because their appearance would terrify humans.
They hoped their appearance would terrify the enemy.
Our sudden appearance terrified her, and she burst out in a torrent of high-pitched words which not even Noy could understand.
To this day, Mr. LeRoy said, public appearances terrify him.
Their appearance terrified him.
This confuses him long enough for Trish to knock his mask off, his hideous appearance terrifies her as he starts back toward her.
Zane was concerned that his appearance would terrify the client, as it had before, but there was no way to sneak up on him anonymously.
Other witnesses have emerged from their appearances terrified or angry or both.
His unexpected appearance terrified everyone there.