Père Duchesne's appearance as a bristly old man with pipe and liberty cap contrasted sharply against the crown and aristocracy's formal attire.
The faces of these people were haggard, and their entire appearance contrasted conspicuously with the Sabbath-best appearance of the people on the omnibuses.
Cat Face's appearance contrasts with his attitude, which is dry, direct, cynical and freely critical, linked stereotypically with his accent.
Mr. Cook's bearded appearance contrasted awkwardly.
Stanfield's laconic speaking style and older appearance contrasted poorly with the new Liberal leader.
The exterior appearance of the palace was rather plain and contrasted sharply with the riotous luxuriance of its interiors.
This external appearance contrasted sharply with the interior--or at least, those few areas I had seen--which were clean and brightly decorated.
His appearance contrasted with the ready made serge suit and stringy tie which Beef wore.
Their muddy, hand-made appearance contrasts sharply with the almost futuristic lead figures around them.
Furthermore, Johnston's youthful appearance contrasted sharply with Smith's aged and tired persona.