Their appearance coincides with the settlement and consolidation of the Slavic tribes in the respective areas.
Her appearance coincided with her rise to fame as Wonder Woman.
While this, too, was closed, my appearance at the door coincided with the caretaker's, who let me into the foyer to have a look.
Its appearance coincided with an economic boom and an ideological crisis.
But those appearances usually coincide with emergencies that require magic, as when a lost child needs to be found or an urgent message delivered.
I remember very well that my last appearance in this House coincided with a terrorist attack in Italy.
Its appearance coincided with the discovery of anesthetics and hypnotism.
The appearance of these new predators coincides with the decline of Gastornis and its relatives.
The Wandering Jew's appearance coincides with this first instance of the supernatural.
Undoubtedly, she had noticed that my appearances always coincided with her husband's absences, but she never let on.