The revenant appeared in third edition for the Forgotten Realms setting as a template in Monsters of Faerûn (2001), and in the adventure City of the Spider Queen (2002).
The gibberling appeared for the Forgotten Realms setting in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting boxed set (1993).
The most noticeable result of the Terrestrial Reference Frame is the way the sun appears to be rising and setting in the sky everyday, when in actuality it is the earth rotating on its axis.
The taer appeared in third edition for the Forgotten Realms setting as a player character race in Unapproachable East (2003).
Among their photographic targets were the terminator region, where the Sun would appear to be either rising or setting for an observer on the ground.
This invented prophecy has appeared over the years with different dates and in (or about) several countries (for example in the late 1970s many news articles about Mother Shipton appeared setting the date at 1981).
The ophidian appeared for the Forgotten Realms setting as a player character race in Serpent Kingdoms (2004).
The cloaker lord first appears in the Forgotten Realms setting boxed set, Menzoberranzan (1992), in the booklet "Book One: The City".
The giant eagle (hiak) appeared for the Hollow World setting in the Hollow World Campaign Set (1990).
Garagos appears in 3rd edition in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book (2001), and was further described in Faiths and Pantheons (2002).