She can also be killed by objects falling through portals, and by a series of crushers that appear in certain levels.
Loose ligaments can appear in a variety of ways, and levels of severity.
In the video game, there are also purple toys which appear in different levels at various times.
Stress also appears in different levels, or degrees.
Heavy bots will appear in levels to add difficulty to gameplay.
"Cursed" black tiles appear in later levels; directly matching a set of these deducts points and erases the gold behind them.
Some aspects of background graphics appear in certain levels (especially on levels 12, 20, 28, and 36).
He appears in most levels every so often and tries to free the captured ingredients.
Chasers appear in higher levels which can collide with the player's robot craft, causing a life to be lost.
Also, some occasional things can appear in later levels, ranging from spinshooters to multiplying daisies and bacteria.