She appeared in a national tour of 84 Charing Cross Road.
In 1980 he appeared in a national tour of Woyzeck with Foco Novo Theatre Company playing the Drum Major.
In the 1940s she appeared in a tour of Full House and was later cast in Other People's Houses.
Rose was appearing in a national tour of Drood at the time of his death in 1988.
For the album, she appeared for the first time solo on stage, in a brief tour across America and Europe called the Gira Frágil (Fragile Tour).
She is an actress currently appearing in a national tour of "No, No Nanette."
Thus, songs often appeared briefly in a tour and then disappeared, becoming fabled rarities.
Duncan Thicket has appeared in a tour of live shows.
In 2001, he appeared for Marylebone Cricket Club in a tour of Namibia.
He is the grandfather of actor/director/writer David Shopland, soon to be appearing in a national tour of Lord of The Flies.