Adele's supposedly dead first husband, Higgins, suddenly appears at Chris's office to extort money from him.
All counties request jurors who repeatedly want to defer to appear in person at the County Clerk's office.
"You do know that she appeared at Mason's office with package, do you not?"
Before his oral testimony could be printed, a Justice Department agent appeared at the subcommittee's office and demanded a copy of the statement.
One day, a woman from Frédéric's past appears at his office.
He has defied summonses to appear at the attorney general's office for questioning, saying he is too ill.
I obeyed his royal command and appeared at his office.
Fred was due to appear at Walton's office at 1100 on the morning of the seventeenth to take over command.
Suddenly Tom appears at Gemmler's office and starts arguing over the payment.
A few months later they appear at his office in Lahore.