The Beatles, for example, have appeared on the cover more than thirty times, either individually or as a band.
The Huntley clay mine is exposed on resurgent dome and appears as a brilliant white band.
A solid creates a large number of closely spaced molecular orbitals, which appear as a band.
The Waitresses appear in the premiere episode as a band performing at the school dance.
After a few days, the characteristic shingles rash appears as a band or patch of red spots on the side of the trunk or face.
For starters, the video is letterboxed, so once again the video appears as a thin band across the little screen.
When it comes back, the virus can cause shingles: a rash that often appears as a band on one side of the body.
A rash appears, after a few days, as a band or patch of raised dots on the side of the body or face.
Chloroplasts appear as a band within the center of each cell.
When appearing as a band, the Wombles were always played by experienced musicians in full costume.