The sampling method offers an appealing solution to the problem of uncertainties in folding.
Many, like Mr. Krauss, are looking for an alternative and are finding the service charge an appealing solution.
Creamy roasted-zucchini soup, with a floating island of shrimp in the middle, is an appealing solution to the problem of what to do with all those end-of-the-season zucchini.
Here was a real dilemma, the most appealing solution was immediately return to the bride, which, however, meant war with Uncle Sam.
Bhutto had "become an appealing solution" to United States officials frustrated with President Musharraf's failure to restore democracy to Pakistan, The New York Times said.
The mission of the founders is to offer an appealing solution for busy, health-conscious consumers seeking a pleasurable dining experience at any time from morning until night that combines speed with quality.
No, your problem has no appealing solution.
A more appealing solution, especially for people who use portable computers and handheld information devices, is to bypass wires altogether by connecting devices with radio waves.
But to layer another official on top of the director of central intelligence, one who would be in a constant turf war with the secretary of defense, is not an appealing solution.
"The superficially appealing solution is to find other players with gap years and use them as your comparables," said Silver, whose results are published in the Baseball Prospectus book each year.