While the New York skyline seems like an appealing worldwide destination for Formula 1, this means that the United States suddenly has two likely races on the F1 schedule in 2013.
Australia is becoming an appealing destination to learn English after the United States and England - with a much milder climate and a smaller Brazilian community.
The only quality the area possessed, in Vanik's opinion, was that it had few distractions to delay a vessel's journey to some other, more appealing destination.
The Hideaway Report, a newsletter for moneyed tourists, reported last year that its readers considered Detroit the world's least appealing destination.
Otherwise I enjoyed the coverage, which brought back memories of a most appealing destination.
Though Lake Point was a remote port far removed from Salt Lake City, investors worked hard to make it an appealing destination for their customers.
The depot will also house numerous restaurants, shops and theaters, making it an appealing evening destination as well.
As the defending World Series champions with a good mix of veterans and up-and-coming talent, St. Louis was a far more appealing destination for Francona.
A low hill about one mile southeast of the rover's base, for example, is an appealing destination.
On the other hand, exotic foreign venues would potentially be more appealing destinations for fans than a mundane English city.