Texas congressman Ron Paul concentrates mainly on appealing to his own base.
He appealed to the party's base of newly urbanized rural migrants, who could identify with his modest beginnings and status as a self-made man.
This stand against "permissiveness" appealed to many conservative voters as well as the party's base among Catholics.
He argued that the comments were not slips of the tongue by naïve lawmakers, but rather efforts by Republicans to appeal to their conservative base.
The action is said to appeal to the Republicans' conservative Christian base.
"This White House is more interested in appealing to its electoral base than it is in protecting women's health."
Many House Republicans believe they win elections by appealing to their conservative base.
After conducting some audience research, they managed to convince no less than sixty radio stations to "appeal to their base by launching anti-disco campaigns."
He is therefore adopting a core vote strategy and appealing to his right-wing base in order to minimise his losses.