The subcommittee was criticised for having the audacity to subpoena British subjects while Smith himself was ridiculed for his apparent naiveté.
To be sure, Sen's apparent naïveté seems of a piece with his characteristic optimism about the human condition.
It was a question so basic that its apparent naivete belied an ominous threat that it suggested was just over the horizon.
However, for all her apparent naiveté, Diana was a trained warrior, and had no compunction against using deadly force when called for.
Mr. Gachot's quirky combinations of found objects resemble folk art, but beneath the apparent naivete is a sophisticated message.
But Hale, essentially romanticist as he was, had several centuries of experience behind him to bolster up his apparent naivete.
Their apparent naivete and their reluctance to make a scene suggested that these were not your usual labor demonstrators.
That apparent naivete would be the worst thing about "Mama, There's a Man in Your Bed" if the film's thinking were not also so frankly wishful.
Others believe that despite his relative youth and apparent naivete, Mr. Bush had found kindred spirits at Silverado.
Gorwala was also critical of Jawaharlal Nehru's apparent naiveté in matters relating to the Soviet Union.