On the Losing Side The owners' top two hired labor hands emerged as the apparent biggest losers in the conflict between the Player Relations Committee and Commissioner Fay Vincent.
Only a few weeks ago, he was an apparent loser when he made race so much of an issue in the mayoral campaign that it highlighted black-Hispanic political rivalries instead of resolving them.
He was denied the seat on the basis of an election challenge by the apparent loser, Caleb S. Hunt.
The voting machines used in Tuesday's election were impounded today after a partial recount of the mayoral race showed a 1,663-vote shift to the apparent loser, Mayor Nicholas C. Wasicsko.
An apparent loser was the military; nine generals and marshals were among the pensioners removed from the Central Committee.
Since the election, several apparent losers have asserted that there were hundreds of irregularities in the voting, ranging from broken voting machines to mistakes made by election inspectors to out-and-out fraud.
How ironic that Tina, the apparent loser, was trying to comfort Annie, one of the most sensational names in show business!
This looks easy, because there are only three apparent losers, but good defense will prevail if West hits on a spade lead.
East took the ace and returned the suit, leaving South with three apparent losers.
The apparent losers in the bidding for the Financial News Network have appealed a Federal bankruptcy judge's disqualification of their offer.