The official said that the daughter was hired without her father's urging or apparent knowledge.
Then the Sophist has been shown to have a sort of conjectural or apparent knowledge only of all things, which is not the truth?
Crowhurst was the manufacturer of a modestly successful radio navigation aid for sailors, who impressed many people with his apparent knowledge of sailing.
Clay is shocked by her apparent knowledge of his past and says that she must be a friend of Warren.
The Bacchus transaction was far more complex and ultimately involved J. P. Morgan Chase, without its apparent knowledge.
This, too, would account for Marnham's apparent knowledge of that Chief's plans.
One day Fakharudin told Maharvi to not waste his time in apparent knowledge, but get into the knowledge he deserves.
Probably in some fact he was aware of but did not adequately appreciate, in some apparent knowledge he had not yet connected with the over-all picture.
"I don't like what your newspaper wrote about me," the stranger said in a gravelly New York voice, startling us with his apparent knowledge of our identities.
He knocks many of the programs that are currently part of our educational system, without any apparent knowledge of either the purpose or content of the programs.