They celebrated that the desert's apparent emptiness, and colorlessness, its flatness and dryness, are in many senses a mirage.
And do not be deceived by this apparent emptiness.
Beyond the technician, two men stood by one of the massive windows, peering intently toward the apparent emptiness that concealed the wormhole.
Paul imagined its terror as it found itself standing on apparent emptiness light years deep.
In America, there are great innovations in art that suddenly create fields of apparent emptiness.
Auden ignored the sharpness in his captain's voice, scanning the apparent emptiness of the loading floor once again.
But he knew the desert too well to be deceived by the apparent emptiness.
The great size of the planet and the fact that its surface was exclusively dedicated to homes and recreation could explain its apparent emptiness.
Strangely, his apparent emptiness saddened her: she grieved on his behalf.
This is a quietly amusing, quietly sad and somber play about lonely, disappointed people obsessed with advancing age and the future's apparent emptiness.