Some of the treasures in Tutankhamun's tomb are noted for their apparent departure from traditional depictions of the boy king.
In an apparent departure from Wal-Mart's old emphasis on American goods, this is a United Nations of merchandise.
The person, who did not see the fax, said it appeared on baseball's letterhead but with no name attached and no explanation for White's apparent departure.
Calhoun was present during a catastrophic event aboard the Grissom, which led to his apparent departure from Starfleet.
Despite Frith's apparent departure from his previous progressive albums, some the tracks on this album have ties to his earlier work.
Tegan's apparent departure from the series was never intended to be permanent.
This class of data-sets is usually specified via a test statistic which is designed to measure the extent of apparent departure from the null hypothesis.
Questions Remain Mr. Polishan's apparent departure does not clear up questions about the motive for the fraud.
But the apparent departure of the flight attendants clearly creates much higher hurdles for the remaining parties.
Other apparent departures from the canon are of a technical kind.