Sisko asked, taking his seat, interrupting the two aliens' apparent concentration.
The apparent concentration of certain cancers in certain places is just coincidence and "an irresistible error of human perception."
Depeaux turned a speculative look on Janvert, returned his attention to Merrivale, who had sunk back into apparent concentration on the blueprint map.
He drove back to Hallows Hall without a word, his apparent concentration on his horses a wall Lucinda made no attempt to breach.
Frowning in apparent deep concentration, he bent his head lower over the smudged text.
With apparent concentration she circled the rim of her coffee cup with the tip of her finger.
During each session, the bird would sit quietly and in apparent concentration, as birds normally do upon hearing the chirrups of other males.
These questions were prompted by the apparent higher concentration of such events in certain neighbourhoods over the general average.
After a few moments of apparent concentration, she handed the sticks to Lucien.
Whatever the answer, it would be interesting to know whether, beneath his apparent concentration on his food, Sir Julius also was conscious of the strain.