This assumes that all apparent cases of short open syllables are better described as ending in a glottal stop.
B8 Many of the 19 hijacking suspects are shrouded in confusion, with little known about some and up to five apparent cases of mistaken identity.
In an apparent case of character displacement, the latter is by far the lightest and least-patterned subspecies.
As an apparent case of domestic violence, the killing of Ms. Edwards and her daughter is hardly unique.
There has been only one thing stopping Wallace from trying to contact the Yankee ace: an apparent case of shyness.
Granted there was an apparent case of possession.
Another apparent case of policy by press release during this period was the famous Look article on flying saucers.
The review panel is investigating a number of apparent child-abuse cases, including the deaths of three children in one week.
There are several apparent cases of allotrophy in Israeli Longitarsus beetles.
In an apparent case of mistaken identity, he was shot by two unknown gunmen, who then fled.