Sonnet 35 deals with the speaker being angry with the young man for an apparent betrayal through infidelity.
The conservatives see increased Kissinger influence and an apparent betrayal of the political movement that put Mr. Reagan in office.
Devastated by her apparent betrayal, Aquila leaves alone and bitter.
He immediately berates her for her apparent betrayal of him, and in his turn tries to stab himself.
His apparent betrayal by the new king swept away any remaining resistance he might have offered.
Charlie, exasperated by the apparent betrayal, shouts in both English and French that he tried to help him.
Perhaps the final most hurtful incident for Reeves this weekend was an apparent betrayal that took place off the field and involved his own team.
Maul is confused by his Master's apparent betrayal, and turns to great anger.
Enraged at the apparent betrayal, Anna runs off, only to be harassed by a group of men who recognize her.
None of those left behind were aware of Thundercracker's apparent betrayal, and looked to him to lead them.