Their Windows Mobile support, on the other hand, was appallingly bad.
Or an appallingly bad translation of something in Icelandic from 1000 yrs ago.
And parents have to be appallingly bad before they do.
Training programs developed by pilots without knowledge of health care realities can be "appallingly bad," he said.
"The Democrats have done an appallingly bad job of running around in circles on this," he said.
It is a closed system, in which appallingly bad ideas can flourish.
Federal communications security was appallingly bad, and the Pellegrinian field units weren't much better.
To do otherwise was deemed not only appallingly bad form but altogether impractical.
Brett didn't even want to think about how appallingly bad things could get.
Now we learn his real secret - he's bisexual, a psychopath and the host of an appallingly bad television show.