From these pits such an appalling stench was given off that scarcely anyone dared even to walk beside the churchyards.
Alongside it a tunnel led into the core of a low hill, uttering an appalling stench.
The damp rat smell had ramped to an appalling stench, and she tried to breathe through her mouth and talk at the same time.
The second impression was of an all-prevailing squalor, an appalling stench.
Don't panic, she told herself, forcing herself to breathe slow and deep in spite of the appalling stench.
A cloud of yellow vapor spread out, suffusing the dome with its appalling stench.
As Ryan pushed through the entrance he saw inside what was causing the appalling stench.
He screwed up his face at the appalling stench but made no move to draw back.
After a moment Nora smelled it as well: an appalling alien stench.
Ryan moved away, hissing between his teeth at the appalling stench.