You have witnessed some appalling incident.
Regrettably we have had to live for several years with the threat of these appalling incidents happening.
While Roberto believes he has his life under control and is safe from surprises, he is confronted by an appalling incident.
Take as an example, this truly appalling incident from the "Quadrupeds."
Just this week, there was an appalling incident in the Bronx, where the police charged a woman and her male companion with abusing her 2-year-old daughter.
I'm sure everyone wants this appalling incident cleared up as soon as possible.
Our thoughts are with all the other families who have suffered in this appalling incident.
Mr President, the tragedy at Dover was one of the most appalling incidents that anyone here can recall.
This appalling incident was avoidable.
These appalling incidents highlight dramatically the contradictory attitudes to migration and refugee policies in the EU.