Photius mentions that Agapius made use of apocryphal Christian literature, especially the Acts of Andrew, and pagan philosophy in his arguments:
Ethics in systematic form, and apart from religious belief, is as little found in apocryphal or Judæo-Hellenistic literature as in the Bible.
Simon Studion (1543-1605) was a German teacher of Latin, poet, historian, archaeologist, and author of apocryphal literature.
Islamic legend later developed the figure of Elijah, greatly embellishing upon his attributes, and some apocryphal literature gave Elijah the status of a half-human, half-angel.
This is in sharp contrast to many pieces of the apocryphal literature where the infant Jesus regularly performs miracles.
The alleged prophecies apparently belonged to the apocryphal Zoroastrian literature popular with various Gnostics.
With the work Cuvente dân Batrâni (2 volumes, 1878-1881), he was the first to contribute to the history of apocryphal literature in Romania.
He was best known for his introductory work on the New Testament, and then later for his publications on early Christian apocryphal literature.
"First issued in 1926, this is the most popular collection of apocryphal and pseudepigraphal literature ever published."
In the apocryphal literature, Satan rules over a host of angels.