It's another apocalyptic novel, huge flying machines carpet bombing Europe, land leviathans clanking across the landscape destroying everything in their path, pestilence, famine... Ah, good times.
Lord of the World is a 1907 apocalyptic novel by Robert Hugh Benson.
And the anti-abortion movement has its own underground literature of apocalyptic revolutionary novels, similar to the "Turner Diaries," which inspired the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.
Michael O'Brien is best known for his series of apocalyptic novels collectively entitled Children of the Last Days.
However, recognizable apocalyptic novels had existed since the first quarter of the 19th century, when Mary Shelley's The Last Man was published.
In 2006, King published an apocalyptic novel, Cell.
In the Left Behind series of apocalyptic novels, Joliet Prison has been turned into a "loyalty enforcement" facility, and heroine Chloe Steele is guillotined there.
"I was afraid they would say, 'Oh, this is E. P. Thompson and he's written an apocalyptic novel.' "
In 2012, under executive editor John Skipp, Giglio teamed up with Scott Bradley for the apocalyptic novel, The Dark, published by Ravenous Shadows.
The apocalyptic novel is a form of prophecy, a warning about what will happen if society does not change its ways.