The station house has long since been closed and today is a multi-unit apartment dwelling.
Kulcs was mainly settled as "summer residences" by apartment dwelling, middle-class families.
It was considered controversial and risky, since at the time as Californians were considered to "resist apartment dwelling".
Its interior was altered in the mid-19th century and then in the 1930s to accommodate apartment dwellings.
All we had to do was quietly cross the 20 meters or so of open road, to the apartment dwelling on the other side.
Once perhaps, it had been the site of fancy apartment dwellings.
People shoehorned into soaring apartment dwellings are simplest to organize; you just get them to come down the elevators.
Single women were needed in the workforce during World War I, so they found apartment dwelling acceptable.
The conventional wisdom about the change to apartment dwellings holds that each new building was filled by a wave of private-house deserters.
"It was a great opportunity to see the city and leave the problems of apartment dwelling behind," she said.