Apart from the urban areas, the 37 mouzas of Gulshan Thana also contain 20 villages.
The hindwing upperside is entirely orange, apart from the transparent areas, contrasting with the more brown coloration of the forewing upperside.
Some locations were just some kilometers apart from the other German-speaking areas.
These wine-festivals take place in big towns apart from the wine-producing areas as well (as Prague).
In 1871 this neighboring area came to be known as Clarksville and was legally set apart from the other areas of town specifically for the freed black slaves.
Apart from the urban areas the population of the islands was also affected by the famine, especially those living in Mykonos, Syros and Chios.
It is in good condition apart from the areas affected by this, but that it was folded may suggest it was being treated as bullion when deposited.
Apart from the mountainous areas, the territory consists mainly of farmland, forests and grasslands.
Apart from the metropolitan areas, most cities and towns in India do not have good, well-stocked public libraries.
Apart from the aforementioned areas, Badminton Theater features additional infrastructure, serving the diverse needs of individual events, including: