Very anxious patients may want to be given sedation through this line.
Indeed, doctors here were expecting a flood of questions, for which there are no easy answers, from anxious patients.
The student will not feel a sense of guilt if she sits down to talk to an anxious patient.
I spoke as if he were a frightened, anxious patient.
They look like any of the anxious patients who walk into the city's polyglot emergency rooms.
Ranking high among them are open communication and a good sense of humor, which puts his anxious patients more at ease.
Like a cat, patient yet anxious to spring, he continued to wait.
They tell me they've seen a lot of anxious patients, but Don Jones is the worst by far.
During the campaign, he had to assure anxious patients that they would not lose his services if he were elected.
I mentioned the work you did-the strides you'd made relaxing anxious patients.