In the meantime, anxious investors are left to wonder what other financial scandals lie around the corner.
But financial analysts note that such announcements are often designed more to impress anxious investors than to give an accurate notion of firing plans.
Still, he knows how anxious investors get.
The market's future remains murky even as yesterday's decline was a reminder of just how anxious investors are.
This was less than the record of $16.5 billion in July but still more than anxious investors had expected.
Gold is bought by anxious investors when the dollar is weak and the economy uncertain.
As a result, lawyers and accountants are increasingly hearing from investors anxious to unload.
Treasury securities were little changed yesterday, as anxious investors awaited the release of the Government's monthly jobs data today.
It must also find a way to reassure anxious foreign investors, who have been fleeing in droves.
In recent days, Yeltsin aides have issued a series of upbeat statements to impress anxious investors.