It involves me in correspondence with public bodies and with private individuals anxious for the welfare of their species all over the country.
It has been shown that anxious individuals rend to interpret ambiguous stimuli in line with a threatening interpretation if one is available.
Certain circumstances can also make the individual more anxious, such as relocating to a nursing home.
For example, anxious individuals who are predisposed to generating reasons for negative results tend to exhibit pessimism.
It remains unclear if higher levels of risk perception in anxious individuals results in decreased "judgmental accuracy" (Joseph I. Constans, 2001).
In a decision context, unpredictability or uncertainty may trigger emotional responses in anxious individuals that systematically alter decision-making.
She had always been an anxious individual and during her teens she went through periods of compulsive overeating alternating with dieting.
The physiological symptoms of the fight-or-flight response (pounding heart, cold/clammy hands, increased respiration, sweating, etc.) are significantly reduced, thus enabling anxious individuals to concentrate on the task at hand.
Implementing such tactics could prove to be an important step in combating the psychological effects of shyness that make living normal life difficult for anxious individuals.
"Quite simply, I investigated whether chronically anxious individuals would classically condition more rapidly that less anxious individuals," she explained.