Persham smoked nervously, his anxiety deepened by the colour of Dodds's face.
Nevertheless, she was disappointed, her anxiety about Charles subtly deepened.
Other people say the years blunted the whole idea of the memorial, as anxiety deepened about whether it could be accomplished.
Sick anxiety for Lianna's safety deepened in him.
Current anxiety about crime no doubt deepens support for harsher sentences.
My anxiety deepened as we came closer to the town.
That anxiety deepens if mothers suspect their child care is not very good, a suspicion that experts in the field say is often correct.
Anel's anxiety deepened when she saw two men dressed in blue uniforms follow the paramedics down the main aisle of the room.
As he paced the room, his anxiety deepened.
If the anxiety in her hadn't been deepening, she would have enjoyed the interlude.