It was the product of last-minute negotiations between top House Republicans and the Bush administration, and was suddenly substituted this morning for a more cautious antiterrorism bill that had strong bipartisan support.
A crucial committee of Parliament rejected a stringent antiterrorism bill that had been praised by American diplomats but that critics said trampled individual rights.
Gov. Jeb Bush signed into law 11 antiterrorism bills passed during a special 10-day session of the Legislature.
Then the bill will be a very good, very solid antiterrorism bill.
The principal antiterrorism bill in the Senate, introduced last week includes several provisions to control the possession of dangerous biological agents and toxins.
Mr. Silver blocked votes on antiterrorism bills the governor proposed after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Some conservatives, though, argue that New York's politicians should be grateful to Republicans, even if Congress did stiff the city on the recent antiterrorism bill.
The need for a comprehensive antiterrorism bill is acute, but one that is rendered unenforceable is nothing more than a charade intended to make Congress look tough on terrorism.
The Democrats who control the Assembly killed a similar antiterrorism bill the governor introduced in June, arguing federal laws were sufficient.
But a 1996 antiterrorism bill sponsored by southern conservatives that would have denied some constitutional protections to aliens was too strong for Mr. Franks, who backed the president in opposing it.