A prison psychiatrist diagnosed him with antisocial personality with intermittent psychotic decompensation.
"No therapy is effective for such antisocial personalities."
But given George's antisocial personality - he doesn't like being around any other tortoises, male or female - we need to be considerate.
This preference for bass music is also correlated with antisocial and borderline personalities.
Patient Peter T. Matthews presents with symptoms typical of an antisocial and paranoid personality.
Typically women suffer from mood and anxiety disorders, whereas men are more likely to have issues regarding substance abuse and antisocial personalities.
A handyman with an antisocial personality.
Fire-setting and cruelty to animals during childhood are linked to the development of antisocial personality.
But a prosecution psychiatrist described him as an angry man with an antisocial personality.
The Catalyst Model suggests that stress, coupled with antisocial personalities is most salient in leading to aggressive behaviour.