The next such occasion will be next Saturday, when antique trucks will be featured along with demonstrations of spinning, blacksmithing, broom-making and other traditional skills.
The town's entrance features an antique truck loaded with imitation wool bales, a windmill, and several sculptures of sheep made from corrugated iron.
Ron Lessman began creating Truckhenge in May 2000, using antique trucks and a bus he collected over the years.
Including tractors, antique trucks and small engine demonstrations.
These days, Karanambu feels like an old Macushi stately home, with its great thatched halls, collections of war clubs and antique trucks put out to grass.
Patrons Come to Dream Yet the city is alive, jammed with cars, overloaded red and yellow taxis, teetering buses and rusted antique trucks.
I wrote about dogs, antique trucks, a legendary tornado, a haunted house, a missing pony, Civil War treasure, the legend of a headless slave, a rabid skunk.
What's more, the town's museum of antique trucks is nothing to sneeze at.
Steve opened the door of his antique truck, the candy-apple red blood-black without the light of the sun.
The old rusty ship was jammed with traffic: antique trucks, baby chickens, men spitting bullets of red betel juice.